La Curacin Del Castigo.


Duelo con la Dependencia Qumica a la Extincin.

Este documento y sitios de 'web' paginas que proceden son una explicacin en mi experiencia con un uso 'psyautotronico' que emplea una 'Tens Unit' o CAJA DE TOQUES como un Aversive (Aversivo) Conditioning (Condicionamiento) Device (dispositivo/instumento) en orden de entregar a la extincin los antojos por la droga, del alcohol y el cigarrillo en tres dias.

por Roberto carbajal.915-833-4602

Saludos, Kudos y Felicitations
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Senior querido

Por favor permita me que le proffer humildemente mis sitios de la 'web' sobre la electro rehabilitacin de la droga, el cigarro y el alcohol.

Senior, yo proffero nosotrs podemos ganar esta "guerra sobre las drogas y el alcohol" simplemente enseando a nuestra gente en como voluntariamente ADMINISTRE ELLOS MISMOS los impulsos o los toques elctricamentos de la Caja de Toques mientras como agente psycologico o fuersa negativa para facilitar la modificacin contra la adicsion.

Esto no es tan extrano com que suena y hay una cierta perspectiva historica. La extincin de antojos por la Cocaina Crack, del alcohol o del cigarrillo se puede lograr en dos o tres das con electroversions suaves a la mano del sujeto mientras que fuma unos cigarrillos, Cociana Crack o consume el alcohol.

Ninguna energia de la voluntad necesaria..
A todos a que puede referirse.

Senior querido, ley por favor el siguiente para que usted puede decidir si esto pudo ser una idea viable para la promocin de PSA (Anuncio al Servicio del Publico).

He creado un Web pagina en esperanzas que facilitara la expedicin del URL con informacin similar a travs de los canales apropiados para la consideracin de PSA.

Le invito a que ensamble a mis grupos de Faradism y Faradismo en el yahoo donde usted puede leer detalladamente sobre los TENS UNITS (Cajas de Toques) y las terapias similares en "FILES" y "FOTOS" seccion en un libro que abaje llamado "la curacin del castigo" o THE PUNISHMENT CURE

Senor, soy una persona que piensa que sera hermoso si haba un gratis y facil "hgalo uno mismo" terapia que podra curar a todos los adictos durante solo una noche.

Senor, yo se que tal terapia existe y est llamado Faradism o Faradismo.

Faradism significa el uso de la electricidad para los propsitos teraputicos y es la razon que estoy alcanzando hacia fuera a usted hoy.

Permita por favor me introduzca. Soy una persona que cree en esta terapia con todo su corazon. Creo que tengo mas experiencia practica con esta terapia que cualquier persona en el mundo a tienedo siempre, puesto que he aplicado mi propia forma de "terapia de aversion fardica" para poner a dormir muchas problemas del varias adicsion sobre los anos. Ningun doctor puede hacer esta clamanda.

Senor, una de las drogas mas modernas de la calle es, cocaina crack. Esta droga tiene "aranque" de muy breve duracin o "borachera" similar a una convulsin orgasmic y es as una blanco perfecto para este tipo de fardico intervention (aunque nunca no se ha probado clnicamente con cocaina crack verdadera).

Yo si la he probado personalmente y he logrado mi sobriedad de esta manera.

En los ambientes mas hostiles mas salvajes imaginables. Las filas de la resbaln (Skid Row) de Mexico, de L.A. y del EL Paso Txa. donde estan disponibles las drogas como estas de cualquier empujador de la droga la calle. Todavia vivo en el rea de la fila de la resbaln de Los Angeles Y NO SIENTO NINGUN ANTOJO MIENTRAS ALREDEDOR DE TODA LA BANDADA DE EMPUJADORES de la DROGA A PARTIR DE UN EXTREMO DEL BLOQUE AL OTRO. Incluso NO PIENSO de usar droga o el alcohol! Que tal esto?

Esto es como lo hice. Yo condujo mi propia terapia de aversion fardica que empleaba Tens Unit o llamada CHICHARRA o el estimulador electrico transcutneo del nervio (Trans-Cutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator T.E.N.s).

Junte mi modo del Refuerzo Negativo Constante (Constant Negative Reinforcement C.N.R.) y Tratamiento Electrico Lentamente de Aumento de la Irritacin de Impulsos (Slowly Increasing Electrical Impulse Irritation Treatment S.I.E.I.I.T.) a una mano mientras que en que me enfocaba /o realizaba 'apunt' cognitions y / o comportamientos.

Este modo requiere asentimiento a banar la mano y algo del antebrazo con una irritacin electrica apenas tolerable producida por una Caja de Toques [ la advertencia, electricidad acclimated facilmente a y se debe amplificar rutinariamente para alcanzarla es potencial teraputico optimo]

Some history. Clinically performed Faradic Aversion Therapy has shown six to twelve month abstinence rates for all mood altering chemicals but often has to be booster-ed yearly in the first few years of therapy. Doctors are forced to employ counterfeit drugs which logically diminishes therapeutic effectiveness but it still works better than any other known remedy.

UNDER CONSTRUCTION __________________________________________________ I not only quit drinking, smoking cigarettes, crack cocaine, marijuana, and methamphetamine but accomplished total "mental sensing" extinction of my ex-marital baggage and used this method as a dietary aid as well.

I stopped smoking crack in one day after just one "electroversion"!

I stopped drinking in two sessions after that.

Smoking cigarettes took three days but it only took one half hour session to emotionally forget about my wife when she left me.

Diet faradism took two days also, although dieting for weight loss is not my goal.

It took a little longer to figure out how to apply it to meth and marijuana but that "took" as well. Thank God!

I have also gratefully used this method for anger management and anxiety.

Faradism was once employed successfully by Dr. Benjamin Rush, signer of the Declaration of Independence and father of American psychiatry, on an endeared Negro for alcoholism.

I pray I will never need it for bereavement but I am sure it would work for that also.

Like the idea? So do most others. The problem is it's almost unheard of by drug rehabilitation professionals and politicians alike. Of course "Rehabs" won't like it because it will put them out of business which is unfortunate.

Sir, I am writing today to see if I can garner some support for the method. Maybe you and your people could take some time and peruse my web site at and read how easy it was for me to implement my own therapy.

Similar methods are reported in "The Punishment Cure" book (url to follow).

I am praying we could have it taught to our youth so they can also cure their drug, alcohol, and emotional problems should they arise.

In the vernacular these Tens Units are called "Black Boxes" and are known as "Chicharra's" or "CAJAS DE TOQUES" in Mexico. In Mexico they are akin to toy's similar to shocking lighters.

Please allow me to explain. In the country of Mexico, Faradist traipse all the tourist areas and cantinas with these battery powered "CAJAS DE TOQUES" inviting people to test their courage or Machismo with them. They cry out "Toques, toques, toques"? ( "Toques" means "shocks" ).

We give them a dollar and if we take it to the max we get our dollar back. Then your partner tries to beat you at it. It's a macho game like punching each other on the shoulder.

We don't actually jolt or "shock" our system with these shock boxes "per se". We slowly increase the electricity till we can't take it any more and in our culture its perfectly normal.

We find it is easy and not dangerous at all to do it this way and no Medical Journal has ever reported a death from this type of experience.

I have helped many people on the Skid Rows of our country to get off of drugs, cigarettes and alcohol this way.

Well, thank you for your time and indulgence with my poor writing skills.

I will also send some live and prerecorded television interviews I have done in the El Paso area in English and Spanish if you would like or if they are needed to convince the skeptical.

All I have written I render public domain.

Famous study. Journal of Addictive Diseases Dr.Smith Dr.Frawley and Dr.Polissar 2. Six- and Twelve-Month Abstinence Rates in Inpatient Alcoholics Treated with Either Faradic Aversion or Chemical Aversion Compared with Matched Inpatients from a Treatment Registry - James W. Smith, P. Joseph Frawley and Nyak L. Polissar ABSTRACT. Two hundred forty–nine patients who were treated for alcoholism in an inpatient multi modal treatment program that included aversion therapy were matched post hoc on 17 baseline variables with patients from a national treatment outcome registry. The latter patients received inpatient treatment that emphasized individual and group counselling as the primary therapeutic elements but did not include aversion therapy for alcohol. Six and 12–month abstinence rates from alcohol and all mood–altering chemicals are reported. The patients treated with aversion therapy for alcohol had higher alcohol abstinence rates at 6 and 12 months (p < 0.01). The abstinence rates from all mood–altering chemicals were higher in the aversion group at 6 months (p < 0.05) but not at 12 months. These comparisons pooled faradic aversion and chemical aversion results. In order to determine whether or not the faradic aversion gave comparable results to the chemical aversion, the two groups were separately analyzed. No significant differences in outcome were found. In fact, the faradic aversion group showed a slight (nonsignificant) increase in abstinence rate.

The Punishment Book cover.

The Punishment Cure. How aversion therapy is being used to eliminate SMOKING,DRINKING,OBESITY,HOMOSEXUALITY... and practically anything else. by STEPHEN J. SANSWEET Edited by Ron Copper

"Punishment is a sort of medicine." Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics.

This publication is designed to be used while reading "The Punishment Cure" text which is down loaded to the Files section in the yahoo groups A-listed at

This document is for the good of HUMANITY. Nothing is for sale here.

How to build a shock box or "CAJA DE TOQUES".

Mr. Esteban Martinez is in the process of creating a video documentary in Wanajato Mexico in order to shed light on this life saving technique. His phone number is 011-52-477-774-69-36.

Thank you, Roberto carbajal

This document is better viewed at

1st do no harm.